The Best Gifts of the Christmas Season

DSCF1175Last evening while we snuggled in to watch a classic holiday movie (The Shop Around the Corner with James Stewart and Margaret Sullavan), the wind blew in a soft layer of low white clouds.  They looked like wide, velvet covered ribbons stretching across the evening sky.  On the horizon you could see a half-moon trying its best to rise above the low hanging clouds.  During the night while we slept, the snow fell in soft wet flakes across the trees and brown grass.  I opened the curtains and this fresh white blanket of new fallen snow had covered the earth in a peaceful wintry wonderland. Every single branch of our young pine trees frosted like a sugar cookie.  Everything looked clean and peaceful.  There was a feeling of Christmas in the air this morning.  Not the feel of shopping malls and toy brawls, but the feeling you get when Clarence gets his wings.  It’s the feeling you get when you get when Virginia begins to believe in Santa Clause.  I paused and thought about all the things going on in the world and yes we are bombarded with negativity and fearful stories and things beyond my control sometimes.  But, it is always the simplicity and complexity of Mother Nature’s gifts that bring me peace. It’s the black-caped Junco scratching around in the corn on the snowy feeder.  It’s the newly planted pines frosted in heavenly white flakes.  It’s the tiny rabbit tracks in the snow.  It’s hearing the family laughing at the table. This Christmas spirit is the joy of singing carols on Christmas Eve, the excitement and looks on the faces of our children and grandchildren waiting for Santa.  When I look at the fresh snow I reminded that each day is a gift, a new package to be unwrapped.  It’s the baby in the manger wrapped in a warm blanket in a stable and very much loved.  Not every person will be as blessed as I am this Christmas but I can do my part to be a blessing to someone else.  I can smile, bake cookies for my neighbors, mail out a Christmas card to friends or pick up the phone and call someone who lives alone.  Today is a new fresh day.  This blanket of snow has brought the freshness and excitement of the Christmas season. Peace and generosity are the gifts of the season.  God is good. Sometimes instead of digging deep to find the Christmas spirit we have to let go of all that holds us back and just deck the halls with whatever we have.  We humans have goodness in all us.   Start the holiday season with gratitude. Find your Christmas spirit in the simple things.  Throw open the window and shout, “You there, is it Christmas Day?”
